Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm still searching for that kind of beauty,
the beauty that you can't keep in your hands.
I'm still searching for that type of purity,
the purity that you can't fully understand.
And every day I sensen them nearby,
and perceive them in life and in art.
Sometimes I feel them pass me by,
but they'll never have in me a counterpart.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

More poems

I've been writing a lot lately but haven't found the time to post the poems. Here they are... very recent and kind of different from previous work:

I'ts strange how life puts me in front of her today.
We've shared the same cage, the same sun, the same rain.
But it doesn't matter anyway.
And I can feel in every inch of my body an aching pain.
She's going to eat me... my very own mother.

Do you remember?
That child filled with so many answers,
none of them really important.
That child that made so many prayers,
none of them relevant.

I'm watching her in front of me,
the past and present coexist.
I'm wanting badly to once again be,
that little girl that pain could resist.

Do you remember?

Those faraway lands filled with flowers,
all of them so very magical.
When I ocuppied with ideas the hours,
though it wasn't really practical.

You do not remember... it was years ago.

Friday, September 29, 2006


A sea of red was being shed,
while my tears were spread.
There were words I wanted to say,
but it was your time to slip away.
And I was induced to a dull existence,
just a void and a weak resistence.
And you were gone to a better land,
as you so long had it planned.
Now, another sleepless dark night.
With feeling that are not right.
Now, more hatred and fear around.
Does it make you feel proud?

Friday, September 22, 2006

My other blog...

This is the link to my other blog (the one that's kind of personal):

Monday, September 11, 2006

More poems

Well, it's time to add more poems. I want to make clear that the poems I'm posting now are not from the present but from some years ago... and that they may be all centered in the love/relationships side of human nature. Lately, I'm thinking of trying out different styles of writing and maybe getting away of rhyming structures and the usual themes of my poems. Any suggestions, I'll receive them with great consideration.
Otra vez el destino nos vuelve a separar,
y quedamos a mil océanos de distancia.
Nunca nuestros ojos se pueden encontrar,
vivimos bajo extrañas circustancias.
Entre una multitud de sonidos te busco,
pero tu grave sonar no encuentro.
En este mundo de tinieblas negrusco,
nos hallamos hoy encerrados dentro.
¡Con qué poca fortuna contamos los dos!
Distanciados por pura causalidad.
Excepto a nosotros, percibimos a todos.
No tenemos ni media oportunidad.
A padecer estamos predestinados,
no tendremos chance de conocernos.
Nuestros nombres quedarán olvidados,
no podremos en este universo querernos.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Lo más díficil

Ahora lo más díficil es olvidarte,
estando tan cerca de vos.
Ahora lo más díficil es no amarte,
porque tan irresistible sos.
Ahora lo más díficil es insultarte,
para evitar quererte así.
De todo lo más dificil es negarte,
porque así me niego a mí.
Ahora lo más dífcil es alejarme,
pero todo llega a su fin.
Ahora lo más díficil es salvarme,
porque víctima tuya fui.
Ahora lo más díficil es alejarte,
de mi vida y de mis sueños.
Ahora lo más díficil es callarte,
y que de mí no seas dueño.


Muero y otra vez vuelvo a vivir,
todo en mi vida se ha de repetir.
Vivo y otra vez vuelvo a dormir,
sé que dolor siempre voy a sentir.
Corro y otra vez he de tropezar,
sé que llego tarde a algún lugar.
Otra vez vuelvo todo a empezar,
aunque sepa que se va a acabar.
Nuevamente quiero en vos creer,
aunque todo va a desaparecer.
Lucho y otra vez vuelvo a perder,
porque estoy destinada a perecer.


When spirits have no destiny,
they just live around in misery.
When there is no opportunity,
is that you welcome adversity.
So you have your faith in God,
but he's just an excuse to adore.
So you have your faith in God,
but he's just an excuse to go on.
When they hit you the first time,
know there's always another one.
When you feel that you are alive,
acknowledge that you could die.


Como me gustaría poder adelantar;
el tiempo que me desespera.
Como me gustaría poder aniquilar,
el tiempo que no me espera.
Sin embargo, cambiarlo no puedo
y él siempre la partida gana.
Y así bajo su voluntad quedo,
mi lucha contra él es vana.
Como me gustaría poder olvidar,
que el tiempo rápido pasa.
Como me gustaría poder mirar,
que mi tiempo de vivir alcanza.

Entre días

Entre días sin verte,
pude reflexionar sobre mí.
Entre días sin verte,
no logré olvidarme de tí.
Temo volver a verte,
saber si sentís algo por mí.
Temo volver a verte,
porque en un hondo pozo caí.
Entre días sin verte,
todo perdió su sentido.
Entre días sin verte,
nada quedo en el olvido.
Temo cunado regreses,
no poder estar cerca de vos.
Temo montones de veces,
que acabemos heridos los dos.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Un nuevo día ya ha comenzado.
Sin embargo, sólo veo oscuridad.
Un viejo sueño ha terminado.
Porque no había una oportunidad.

Y ahora en el río de lo borrado,
nada nuestra pasada felicidad.
Y ahora en el río de lo cantado,
nada nuestra segura fatalidad.

Un nuevo mundo se ha elevado,
ya no queda reciprocidad.
Otro amor lejos se ha marchado,
y sólo queda animosidad.

Devotion and division

There is no point in praying for something that I could never get. No sense in saying whatever words you want me to say. Because I know that you live for yourself and do not care about anybody else.
I refuse to be your slave and to play that game. There is something about being honest that is so lame. I am not going to act as if I do not have any idea of what you are doing. You are making yourself desirable, leaving myself to think all day about you and feel miserable.
I refuse to express my emotions and do not receive answer at all. Do you think it is easy? I certainly believe that you cannot be as half as open as I am. You just do not want to risk so much. But you will never get love if you keep it up.
I refuse to stay when I know that you will go away. Do you really see yourslef marrying me and spending our lives together? You are not able to love anyone but you.
You are your own muse, your won princess locked in a castle. The rest of us... are merely your toys to abuse.